Monday, January 15, 2007

Rainbow stripe full manual mod

I've finally been able to rig up one of the rainbow stripe SX-70 cams to be full manual exposure. After mutilating about 5 of these things I think I got one working now. What I did was take off the front plastic peice that covers the lens, shutter button, viewfinder and all that stuff. First you gotta open the film door, then you can pry from either side of that cover thing with a screwdriver to get it to pop off. It just snaps on and off. Next I popped out the plastic lens. now you can see the shutter. You may have to pop an empty film cartdrige in to get the shutter to close for you. See you want it closed for this next part. The drill. Well actually I used a little dremel tool with a drill bit. I just poked it in the shutter hole and drilled out the shutter. If you got the empty film cartdrige in there you can snap the shutter button a few times while your drilling to kinda route out any peices of the shutter that needed to be cut off. What all this amounts to is a drilled out shutter so its always open, but you can still press the shutter button to run the motor to spit the film out. See it needs to still be able to do that cause the film needs to go through those rollers to spread the emulsion. You will also need to make you some sorta lens cover to go over your lens when you're not using the camera so it won't be exposing the film in there.

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